Thursday, 30 January 2014

Research into similar opening sequences (Harold and Maude)

Harold an Maude
 "Harold and Maude" is probably one of the closest examples of opening sequence that we are likely to get in the end. At least, the initial idea seems extremely close. 
However, the opening credits are not that sophisticated here at all. In spite of that, the sequence looks pretty nice. 

1) First of all we see the name of the movie, so it's possible to make a conclusion that actors in the movie are not that famous and the main focus will be on the story itself. Moreover, the title emerges exactly when a guy finally steps on the floor which gives us a hint on what kind of movie we are likely to see - pretty amusing.
2) Then we see several actors names. However, they are not that important. Then there are several names that are put together which means that they even less meaningful.
3) Then there are many names of the creators crew.
4) And the name of director in the very end.
You know, director is always like a boss... But he definately should be!

Research into opening title sequences (Drive)

 1) "Ryan Gosling" - this is the first words of the opening titles of "Drive" which explicitly tells us he is the main attraction in this movie and we to watch HIS game. 
2)Then we see the name of the movie, which separates Ryan from all other actors. 
3) Then there are 6 relatively big names of actors, which again gives us a hint that one of the major advantages of the movie is a game of actors.
4) Then there are some members of the crew such as composer, director of photography, editor etc. The names that don't usually last long in the heads of ordinary people (but in fact normal people don't usually watch that kind of movies).
5) And in the end we have the names of producers, screenwriter and director - they are important as well...

The titles themselves are rather unusual as well. You will probably never see the same font of titles in any other movie. We may notice that the creators deliberately left some space for credits. And so everything looks in the right place.

Research into opening title sequences (Reservoir Dogs)

Reservoir Dogs
Quentin Tarantino is a very unusual and stylish director and even in one of his first movies we can immediately recognize his style. That`s why we can't take his work as a perfect template for positioning the opening titles.
1) "A film by Quentin Tarantino". "First" names first. This explicitly tells us the importance of Quentin and prepares us for something in the style of the director. This means that the movie's emphasis is an idea, plot rather than the actors. 
2) However, the cast of the movie is fascinating as well. It includes 8 names and at least half of them are famous all over the world such as Tim Roth, Quentin Tarantino himself, Harvey Kietel, Michael Madsen, Steve Buscemi. This is an ensemble casting. And the order of the names shown on the screen is important as well. The most celebrated names are at the beginning and at the end.
3) After we concentrated on the director and actors we the "Reservoir Dogs" so we may now roughly understand what the movie is about.
4) And after the presentation of the most important information we go to the names of other actors and several members of the crew.
5) Finally, we see the name of producer, which again means that he is well-known and his contribution to the process may be palpable in a way as well.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Thriller... Shooting Day

Wednesday, 22nd of January, 2014. This day will go down the history as the day when Archie, Kate and Holly filmed their first opening sequence for a random thriller movie which you will probably never see in the cinema. And this is quite dissappointing, but this is the life and we need to accept it as it is. Some will remember this day as simply on of many, but for the three of us this will be one of the most significant landmarks in the life... Or not...
Anyway, the day before the actual shoot was pretty busy, because we didn't prepare enough before and had many things to do, such as deciding upon a shooting schedule, props etc. As it usually happens we didn't manage to do all of them. But we should have thought about it before (me especially since I usually leave things till the last moment). However, nothing could disturb us from utterly devoting ourselves to the work on the actual day of shooting, so we got some nice material at the of it.

I woke up early that day, did some excersice to be prepared for what was going to happen. And, to be honest, I was pretty nervous since we were not completely prepared and there were several issues about the shots. But somewhere deep inside me there was a feeling which may be pretty accurately described as the hope in the bright future.

No, no, no! Not that kind of hope. It's more likely to be this...

Whatever the type of my hope was, the main thing is that I believed "in Harvey Dent"! In other words I was sure we'll get something nice. So after taking a shower and doing some exersice I was full of energy, confident and ready to do stuff which was beyond my abilities.
However, when I came into studio my confidence had already been reduced for some unknown reasons. Anyway, we were not going to use the studio, so I decided to wait until we arrive on the actual place of shoot of the girl's part, namely, Kate's house...

...Yes, this is it. I'm not going to conceal anything, so it will be fair to say that we were pretty amazed by her house and I suddenly realized that I want one as well. We discussed it for a little while until we were finally able to start the work. I know it's not relevant, but you didn't see the interior.

And at this stage we had some problems since we realized that the rope Kate had was too thick. So she searched another one in her house and found it (which seems quite impossible considering the size of her house). And before we started shooting we needed to decide upon the tree we should use, which took quite a while as we altered our choice several times. Then we dragged a bench underneath the appropriate tree and were ready to set up the camera for the first shot. We didn't do any additional adjustment since we already had all necessary components: the tree, the rope and the natural light in order to give the audience a distinct sense of reality. Ha-ha-ha!!
The roles on the set were quite uncertain, since everyone did everything. But as I was the most keen on doing stuff (well, I assume so) I tried to do more than others which probably was quite selfish. But this was compensated in the second half of the day. 
Still what I can say about cinema is that I'm absolutely obsessed with it. I adore all the process of making a movie... I guess I may say many things about it... So yeah, I did pretty much...
I especially liked several shots we made when filming a girl such following one. I assume the camera was pretty stable in those moments despite the fact that we didn't use neither steadycam nor tracks. We managed to do really good static shots as well. So I have a little reason to be proud of myself.
The part with the girl I consider to be much more successful than the businessman one. We could have done many more shots which describe him as a character that was the initial idea, but we failed to do it, which was my fault since I was not persuasive enough... Still the girl part may turn out to be very picturesque. We closely followed the storey-bord and covered every shot we wanted. This was the part of the day I enjoyed most. 
The businessman part, on the other hand, was very unsuccessful to my mind. We almost didn't do any of the shots we wanted and faced one problem. I printed only one copy of the contract where the businessman was meant to sign and we had several shots where he should have signed. Unluckily, I lost my memory stick where the contract was and we had to resolve this problem by putting some paper over the original paper. Anyway, it looked fine in the shot. So the basic problem with the businessman is that we didn't get what we (I) wanted at all. And we had to rearrange some of the shots because of the shadows and because of the time. So we were in a rush, tired and as a consequence didn't do a really good job.
In the edit I think we'll try to follow our original storey-board, however, I've got a feeling that we'll need to change very much. But we can only check this when it comes to the actual editing which will be soon.
Anyway, I think it was a good experience and there is much to learn from this day. I think next time the shooting will be organized in a completely different way and I hope we'll be much more  prepared for it. I know what I have to do now and how I have to do. So if you count it as an experience, it was useful. Although I don't think it will be a great piece of work, I consider we did pretty everything our group could do together.
At the actual shoot day we worked good as a team, to my mind. But I suppose there will be many battles during the last stage of the process. 
I'm sure we should try to work with all kinds of people in order to explore something new... Looking forward to seeing our final product! With the Help of God!!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Shooting Schedule

8:50am - Prepare equipment (camera/microphone/light/costume/props)
9:30 - Leave school and go to Kate's house
9:50 - Set up equipment (move props in position/allow actress to change into her costume)
10:30 - Start filming the hanging sequence
  1. Film the hanging shots first (neck/feet)
  2. Film the Bible reading scenes
  3. Film preparation of the hanging
12:45 - Go back to school for lunch
1:45 - Go back to Kate's house to continue shooting the hanging scene
  1. Film the walking to the tree shots
  2. Sound (footsteps on grass/path)
3:00 - Go back to school to shoot bathroom scene
  1. Film washing hands as a mid shot
  2. Film washing hands as a close up
  3. Film any necessary extra close ups (hairdryer/soap)
4:30 - Film corridor scene
  1. Film corridor scene
  2. Film close up of contract
  3. Film leaving the building
5:30 - Pack up equipment and tidy up props

Monday, 20 January 2014


We have decided to shoot our thriller in 3 locations:
1. The corridor in one of the schools boarding houses
2. The toilet (access to a sink)
3. A tree in Kate's garden


We made 4 different storyboards. The first one was very simple and lacked many shots we needed in order to convey the message. Moreover, it was too short and it was rather a prompt for what we want to do next rather than a proper storyboard.
Next one included more shots and the idea started developing, so we brought more angles and more action. However, to my mind it still needed some correction.
The third storyboard included over 50 shots which is obviously overwhealming and we actually didn't need many. As a result we got rid of redundant shots and finally came up with forth storyboard, which we used during our shooting.

Storyboard: final version

Characters List for Thriller

Character List
Businessman: - Around 40 years old
-Fair short hair

Young Girl:

-16-17 years

Costume List for Thriller

Costume List
Male Politician:
- plain white shirt
-red tie
-grey/black suit trousers and jacket
 -polished black shoes
-ring (signet)
- cufflinks
-neatly combed hair

 Young Girl:
 -mom jeans
 -baggy t-shirt
 -big woolly knit cardigan
-colourful bright socks
-hair  in plaits with a headband 
-cross necklace

Thriller Props List

Props List

  • Rope (noose)
  • Chair/stool
  • Notebook
  • A biro
  • Official documents
  • Gold pen
  • Envelope
  • Desk
  • Block of soap
  • Bible

Production decisions

We have had several production meetings since the time I last mentioned it. Some of them were productive where we in fact did some work, but the vast majority of them were absolutely useless. Nevertheless, we have a decent output of our dubious work, such as storyboard, cast list, narrative action list and props list.
But there were more important issues that we needed to discus, such as the hole conception of the sequence and the conception of the entire movie. They actually still exist and I try to do everything to make it clearer for the audience. 
The maim problem is to show the credible link

between two characters.
As you know, we have two characters one whom is a politician (not that sure anymore) who signs some papers (still sure about it) and the second one is a girl who is going to hang herself.
I came up with several ideas that might work, to my mind and we've finally chosen one of them. 
Now we have a businessman who wants to build a new factory and in order to accomplish that there needs to be several churches demolished. The girl is his daughter and very religious and she wants to stop her father. So the only way she thinks she can do it is to sacrifice her life.   
So in our sequence you will see something like that: