"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" is a stylish comedy by brilliant Shane Black, who also directed "Iron Man 3" and wrote many screenplays among which there were screenplays for "The Last Boy Scout" and "Lethal Weapon".
Still our main focus here is not on this wonderful guy, but on the other guy whom I would call wonderful as well. This other guy is Kyle Cooper who made amazing animated titles for this movie.
There are several features that distinguish Kyle's specific style.
- His titles are always incredibly visual
- There is always some kind movement in them
- His titles usually contain tonnes of information
- He tries to break up the frame, he makes the spectotor a part of the action
- Usually his titles contain much animation, or animation only
- All the words we see on the screen (i.e. information) is very distinct
- Everything he does is vvery creative (that's from his fans)
This title opens with a black screen and white inscription (nice choice of colours) "Warner Bros. Pictures" on it. And the moving starts right from the beginning.
We see a dark street and then it cuts to a guy climbing over the fence. And so we get some hints on the plot of the movie and the music helps us to understand the mood.
The colours chosen by Kyle also indicate the style of the movie and, of course, the animation speaks for itself.
It tells us that the movie is not going to be very serious, but the amount of red colour indicating blood is overwhealming. The action also switches from colour to colour, their brightness incompatibility shows the unstability of the situation of the main hero and its danger.
There are many incredibly visual transitions. There is lots of things going on the screen that are shown in great details. As usual there is huge amount of visual information that audience need to receive.
It's also quite noticeable how Kyle plays with the way the words appear and disappear on the screen. All the action is fast and unstable which again shows us what type of movie it is.
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