They have very beautiful a little surreal colours in the videos, the lighting is incredible and they also use a lot of slow-motion as if they were savouring the beauty they are showing.
They also have narrative in their videos apart from "Crystallised", their most popular video, where they are just singing.
So there is my concept for "Infinity".
Narative: A guy (male singer) walks through the forrest singing. A girl (female singer) sits in some room. The guy reaches an abandoned house inside the forrest, then he tries to open the door, but doesn't succeed. The girl tries to open this house from the inside and also doesn't succeed. They both try windows, but they still cannot reach each other. And they stay singing on the opposite sides of the door. At the end of song we see how something pushes them away from the door. And then it slowly opens and they see ech other.
There is also a band singing. Two singers in two separate frames.

There is a good range of music video research here, Archie, which indicates your interest in the visual potential of the medium. You need to also look at the band's visual image through photographs and websites to see the full range of the marketing campaign. Your concepts are interesting, but would benefit from more detail in explaining how they might work.