We have finally finished the rough performance cut of our music video. We are going to have another element in the video, which we have also edited, but it needs more work. So we showed performance cut to our class in order to get some feedback.
And surprisingly, it was rather positive. Our classmates noted that
editing, overall, was very good: there is an appropriate build up to the climax
of the video, so that although it is only a band playing on a single set, it is
exciting to watch and it keeps attention till the end. The atmosphere is
well-created as well, mostly due to camera work and especially hand-held shots.
And also the concept that we wanted to convey such as that this is a room after
a huge fight, is rather clear. It feels like a band performing, not a single
artist, although our lead singer, Harry Lawtey, is impeccable! The performance
of our drummer, Tom Saville, was appraised as well.
However, obviously, there are some flaws. Some hand-held shots in the beginning
of the video seem a little out of place since there is supposed to be a build
up to the chorus line, and it is then when we include these shots. Some shots
of our guitarists are a little weird, and it is easily noticeable. In some
places there is not enough attitude and drive from our guitarists, but overall,
they were very good as well.
So the suggestions for our video include a removal of hand-held shots
from the first verse and just get on with the second part of the video.
This preview seemed very encouraging to me and, hopefully, our second
element will add something new to the video and refine it rather than spoil
what we have got so far. I’m looking forward for the final product.
This performance cut is really good, Archie. Well done for your hard work and you shouldn't be surprised that the feedback was positive! Looking forward to seeing the final edit.